Choose An Experienced & Safe Operator | Kilimanjaro Sunrise Skip to content


S afety is our top priority. Our ultimate goal is for you to reach the summit, but we prioritize your safety above all else. When it comes to finding the best Kilimanjaro company to make this happen, you need an experienced and reliable operator with a competent mountain crew. That’s where we come in.

We carefully select our guides based on their professionalism, training, and experience. Our team consists of only the most qualified and knowledgeable local guides who have spent years hiking the trails of Kilimanjaro. They are all fluent in English and are not just your guides, but your trusted friends by the end of your trek.

To ensure the best possible experience, we invest in our guides’ education and medical training even after they are employed with us. They are all Wilderness First Responder certified. Some of our guides have been with us for over a decade and have successfully summited Kilimanjaro more than 300 times. This level of dedication to safety and expertise sets us apart from many other operators on Kilimanjaro who do not share our values.

As you do your research on Kilimanjaro operators, many say they have the best guides, are the best Kilimanjaro company,  or they’re the number one operator. So who do you choose? Pick one that focuses on safety and one that is reputable. The best guides work for the best companies. With all of our experience, we pride ourselves on being a safe operator.

Budget Operators

The vast majority of companies on Kilimanjaro are budget operators. They do not focus on safety and in turn, put your life at risk. They do not have proper medical training or even the experience to see the signs of altitude sickness before it is too late. Don’t put yourself in harm’s way just to save a few dollars. Altitude sickness should be a concern to everyone who climbs, including all guides and porters. Additionally, low-cost operators only hire the guide and have no knowledge of the porters that will be used since the guide is responsible for hiring them. Climbers could potentially end up with porters who are dishonest and inexperienced.

The staff, guides, and crew were knowledgeable, welcoming, and dedicated to making my journey both enjoyable and safe.”


kilimanjaro sunrise guides and porters

A t Kilimanjaro Sunrise we expect all guides and porters to be treated fairly. This especially applies to the porters where there is a large problem with porter abuse on the mountain. Examples of abuse are porters carrying too much weight, reducing their food to one meal a day, and inadequately outfitting them for extreme temperatures. For this reason, we are members of the Kilimanjaro Porters Assistance Project (KPAP).

KPAP was first established in 2003, the Kilimanjaro Porters Assistance Project (KPAP) is a legally registered Tanzanian not-for-profit organization.

Their mission is to improve the working conditions of the porters on Kilimanjaro by promoting socially responsible Kilimanjaro climbs.

  • KPAP raises public awareness regarding the proper treatment of porters on Kilimanjaro
  • Assists climbing companies with implementing procedures that ensure fair and ethical treatment of their porters
  • Lends climbing gear free of charge
  • Offers educational classes to empower and motivate porters and mountain crew.

Whether you are a climber, local tour operator, travel agent, charity group, porter, cook, or guide, the Kilimanjaro Porters Assistance Project advocates for the fair and ethical treatment of all porters.

The operator you choose is the most important decision you can make when it comes to safely and successfully summiting Kilimanjaro



We can’t stress it enough, you need to choose a safe operator to climb Kilimanjaro. Not only for your wellbeing on the mountain but also around town and while on safari.

Tanzanian Travel

K ilimanjaro Sunrise strongly advises all travelers to use a money belt or neck wallet for the safekeeping of cash, passport, and other valuables. Please leave other valuables, such as jewelry, at home. Our accommodations provide a secure storage closet for anything you do not need on the mountain. We also advise you to keep a photocopy of your passport, separate from your actual passport, when you travel.

While on safari, your driver/guide will accompany you throughout your safari and it is important that you always follow his instructions, in the interests of safety.

If you spend time in Arusha, you will find that most Tanzanians are friendly and helpful, but as in most cities in any part of the world, you should exercise caution. Carrying expensive cameras or jewelry or waving large amounts of cash around, is always a bad idea and may attract unwanted attention. Be aware of people approaching you and trying to ‘befriend’ you. Often these people are con-men and you should be polite but firm in saying “no” to them. “Hapana asante” is “no thank you” in Swahili. We would strongly advise using taxis after dark for trips to restaurants or other nighttime trips and would urge you to keep to the main streets during the daytime. We also advise that you travel in small groups, wherever possible.

Safety on Kilimanjaro

Your safety on the mountain is our number one priority. We know you traveled to Kilimanjaro to summit the mountain. However, if you are sick or your life is in danger, our experienced guides will make the call on whether or not you continue to the summit. They are basically doctors on the mountain. They have Wilderness First Responder certification and have the experience to know what to do in an emergency.

Kilimanjaro Sunrise reserves the right to make changes to, or even cancel, any part of the planned trip if in their opinion safety and security concerns deem this necessary.

To prevent altitude sickness, HAPE, HACE, or any other illness, we will perform daily health checks starting at your trip briefing and every day on the mountain.

First Aid Kit

All of our mountain guides are trained in first-aid and hold appropriate certificates, but we would strongly advise all of our visitors to take a first-aid kit with them. As well as any prescription and anti-malarial drugs that you are already taking, you should pack the following:

  • Blister plasters. Absolutely essential.
  • Antiseptic cream, for any little cuts and nicks
  • A couple of bandages, in case of ankle strains, etc.
  • Supports for knees and/or ankles, if you have weaknesses in these joints
  • Ibuprofen.
  • Imodium for any stomach problems. But let the guide know before taking them.
  • Rehydrating powders, like Gatorade or Nuun.
  • Lip balm/chapstick.
  • A small tub of Vaseline to alleviate chafing.
  • Throat lozenges to combat the dry air and soil conditions.
  • Anti-fungal cream for the feet
  • Carry any liquids or ointments in separate Ziploc bags to prevent leaks.


kilimanjaro tents

T he mountain is a harsh environment and equipment takes a beating on your trek. For this reason, we at Kilimanjaro Sunrise use only proven backcountry gear. We take exceptional care of our equipment and are meticulous at maintaining it.


Our tents are manufactured specifically for us. We clean and inspect them before and after every climb. We repair any damaged equipment. This damage can be items like broken zippers or leaks. If it is beyond repair we take it out of rotation. The tents have been engineered to wick condensation from the sleeping area into the vestibule. This allows you to stay warm and dry inside the tent no matter the conditions outside.

Sleeping bags & pads

You won’t be cold on the mountain. Our sleeping bags are good down to -15 degrees Fahrenheit.

We provide foam pads for sleeping. To keep dirt and moisture out, they are sewn inside a sleeve. They are much better than air mattresses that tend to deflate when cold or punctured. Additionally, we inspect every foam pad after it is used. We compare it to a new piece we have in our office. If the foam is found to have reduced its height by less than half an inch, we shred it and use it for pillows.

Trekking Poles

We strongly advise using trekking poles. They will aid with your descent off the summit and for traversing rocky terrain. You can bring your own, but they can get damaged or damage your luggage. For that reason, we recommend renting them from us. Our trekking poles are name brands like Black Diamond and Leki.

Better Guides, Porters, Food, Equipment, and Service Make for a Better Experience


locally sourced food

T he food we serve on Kilimanjaro is all locally sourced. The food is not genetically modified and doesn’t contain preservatives. It is fresh and tastes great. The meals are specifically created to help you have enough calories and energy each day. You’ll be amazed at what our trained chefs can create with such limited resources. Our mountain chefs go through an annual training course to continually improve their cooking methods and menus.

However, some people have allergies. To accommodate this, we offer gluten-free, vegan, vegetarian, and even kosher menus. Please let us know in advance (on the client form) if you require a specific diet so we can have the food prepared for you before you go to Kilimanjaro.

Sample Lemosho Menu


  • Kilimanjaro Sunrise Hotel
  • Kilimanjaro Sunrise Hotel
  • Kilimanjaro Sunrise Hotel

T he lodges you stay at before and after your climb is in Arusha. Included in the climb price is lodging the night before and after your climb. However, we recommend booking an additional arrival day so you can recover from your long flight, or in case you have lost or delayed luggage. If you choose to do so, please let us know so we can reserve another night at the lodge. There will be an additional charge for this.

The lodge is about 45 minutes from Kilimanjaro International Airport (JRO). It is located in Arusha. From there, on a clear day, you will have great views of both Mount Kilimanjaro and Mount Meru. The lodge is in a safe, fenced location with many fruit trees, plants, and flowers for nature lovers to enjoy. Some of these trees include papaya and banana.

Your climb price covers breakfast. Drinks, lunch, and dinner are extra. Most meals cost about $10-$14 USD.

If you prefer more luxury, let us know and we can book lodging at our other hotel for an additional fee.

  • Double Room
  • Twin Room